Jesse is flying solo on this very special edition of the podcast featuring updates and information on the Buffalo Brothers, the vicious accident they were involved in, as well as the recovery effort.
Thank you for being patient with us this week. It was important for us to get a show out to our loyal listeners, but with everything going on in Buffalo, it's hard to concentrate for more than fifteen minutes. We'll be back next week with a full length return.
Until then head over to the GoFundMe page to help out as much or as little as possible:
Also check out the official Buffalo Brothers T-Shirt "Stronger Than All" with 100% of the proceeds going to benefit in the recovery.
Also, be sure to follow the Brothers throughout social media:
Puf: @pufisgod
Kevin Blackwood: @blaxkwood666
Kevin Bennett: @thekevinbennett
Danny Garcia: @danieltunisgarcia